Just a Graphic Designer Creating..
Graphic design. Motion graphics. Photography.
Graphic Design.
I have always enjoyed designing different things when it comes to print. Here are some of my favourite portfolio pieces.
Poster Designs
Descriptions In Order
01 Yucatan Poster
School project at the RRC, between 2 classes with about 20 students was having a competition to make a travel poster with the a predetermined colour palette see which 12 posters would make it into the escape room that was happening at the college. My design was chosen to be 1 of the 12.
02 Music Poster
School project at the RRC, was to design a poster of a favourite music artist we like. We had free range with this project but the goal was to really experiment with colours and layout. This is why I played around with water colour style, with very vibrant colour palette.
03 Anti Hate Poster
School project in a visual exploations class, we had to design a shout out poster and place it up somewhere downtown Winnipeg. I decided to talk about violence that is undefined when it comes to gender. I depicted this by placing weapons in both the male and females hand.
04 WW2 Poster
School project in a art history class we had to design a poster that had the design of an old WW2 poster. I decided to combine my love of videogames as a topic, by using Bioshock. I stuck with a army style palette, and overlayed the entire design with a weathered paper texture.
Character Designs
I have will always love horror movies. I use to watch all the old classics when I was growing up, to keep busy I like doing random personal projects. So here are my designs for reverse gender iconic slasher killers!

01 Jason Voorhees

02 Leatherface

03 Chucky

04 Freddy Kreuger

05 Michael Myers
Water Color Designs
I have always enjoyed working in water colours. with this personal project I decided to do all the zodiac signs along with there constallations. All the art work you see hear was created on my phone when I was on the go, creating when inspiration hits!
Short Film
This short film was a story I came up with that we actually ended up fliming for one of my final projects for school. Combining all the things I had learned throughout the year about good story telling. I present to you: Dress Mishaps.
Motion Graphics
01 Did you know?
School project at the RRC, was to design and animate by combining 2D and 3D elements to a random fact. We had free range with this project but the goal was to really experiment with graphic transitions and composition along with sound.
02 Quick animation
School project at the RRC, was to design and animate by combining 2D and adding in sound to give it a more life like feel. We had free range with this project but the goal was to keep it within three sceonds and add sounds that were applicable to the scene.
03 Letter house animation
School project at the RRC. We were give a letter, that we had to design only using 3d elements to make a type of house out of the letter we were assigned. I decided to do a play on words by doing a ‘tea house.’ we also had to add a special element to this composition that was a surprise to the audience. So I ended up making the it into a snow globe!
04 Transformation Cube
School project at the RRC, We had to transform a cube to object, back to cube, then into another object then finally back to a cube, using 3D elements adding music and sound effects where needed. I decided to go really retro with this project using an old polaroid camera and a old style flim camera.
Different Photo galleries of people, urban landscapes and nature photography. Trying out different things. Photos are taken in Winnipeg, New York City, Seattle and Vancouver.
01 People
As the title states this are images of people in and around the city of winnipeg, and a one to two shots actually taken from my trip to New York City. Throughout these images I am trying out different styles of photography and enjoying the different compositions.
02 Urban
As the title states this are images of urban landscapes from different places. trying out different composition techniques.
03 Nature
As the title states this are images of nature. once again trying out different techniques and compositions, during the different seasons.